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The editors will consider for publication all kind of academic papers and research reports up in any length. The papers written in English are highly recommended to be accepted, but Polish will be also accepted is some cases.

Editorial Requirements:

1. Each author should provide on the first page of the paper the following information: the title of the paper, the name and the scientific degree or title, the affiliation, full address, telephone, fax, e-mail, key words as well as JEL classification.

2. The paper should include five main parts: introduction, literature review, material and methods, results and discussion, conclusions (as well as reference list - bibliographies).

3. Each submitted paper must also be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 200 words. Papers without abstracts will not be accepted for publication. Abstracts must be written in English.

4. Authors should submit their papers to the editorial office via e-mail (Please use rather personal e-mails of the editors instead of the common e-mail). Text files should be in MS Word 6/95/97/2000/2007 or "rtf" format (MS Word 2007 is highly recommended). It is necessary to send editable format (PDF files are not accepted).

5. Authors are requested to limit formatting commands to italics for non-English words

6. References should be listed alphabetically by author. Each entry should contain full bibliographical data: author(s), year of publication, title, editor(s), volume/issue (for journals), city/publisher (for books), page numbers. Foreign titles should always be followed by an English translation in square brackets. Please use APA style references.

7. Tables and graphs should be prepared in MS Excel 6/95/97/2000/2007 format. Authors may include tables, graphs and drawings prepared using other software (e.g., Corel Draw, Statistica, SPSS, Harvard Graphics) provided they are in "wmf" or "eps" format, with all the necessary fonts included. Alternatively, bitmap files (300 dpi resolution) may be used. Graphs and drawings must be prepared in monochrome format; fields can be delineated using grey scales and/or monochrome pattern fills.

8. Copyright by Authors of the Presented Papers, nevertheless the author bears full responsibility for any infringements of copyright or other intellectual rights connected with the content the paper.

9. Papers should be presented in clear, concise English and may be subject to approval by the English editor. The editors do not return submitted texts. The author shall receive no remuneration for the publication of the text.

10. In the case of an paper written by several authors, the author submitting the paper is obliged to seek the agreement of his or her co-authors regarding all the publishing requirements specified above.

11. Each contributor can supply a short biographical note for inclusion in the journal. This should comprise only the following information: name/title/position, research interests, most important publications (maximum 5). The bio will be attached to the paper at the end of the discussion paper volume. The bio should be about 1/3 of a page long.