Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie


Admisssion – general info
data publikacji: 09/05/2019, autor: Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie

Admisssion – general info

Enrollment for the first-cycle (BA) programmes is carried out on the basis of graduation -foreign certificates can be recognized by law or on the basis of a relevant international agrement or the decision of recognition issued by the Board of Education in Poland.

Candidates applying for admission to studies may apply to any number of major programmes, in accordance with the requirements set out below, but they may be admitted only to one major. Candidates are obliged to prioritise major programmes from the most preferred to the least preferred one. Admission to one of the programmes indicates that a candidate is not admitted to others.

Admission is based on the grades obtained at the secondary school-leaving examination, and the qualification procedure includes the following subjects:

  • Applied Informatics: mathematics or informatics, foreign language;
  • Corporate Finance and Accounting: mathematics, foreign language;
  • International Business: mathematics or geography or history or society knowledge; foreign language;
  •  Modern Business Management: mathematics or geography or history, foreign language

Conversion of points

The points for gradudation certificates of secondary education are calculated by the University Enrollment Comittee and they determine admission to further qualification. For this purpose, contact the Teaching Department or check information below how you can convert points yourself. A maximum of 200 points can be granted for 2 subjects (100 points for 1 subject).

Check how you can convert your points

Please note that the launching of the programme is conditioned by an appropriate number of candidates

The candidates who have graduated from foreign secondary schools or have taken international secondary school leaving examinations, in the event of being awarded their certificates at a later date, may be conditionally admitted to qualification procedures provided they submit a certificate confirming the fact they took the final examination, and having met that requirement, they may be conditionally admitted. Such persons are obligated to submit the original certificate (along with nostrification) and a translation into the Polish language by 27 September 2019.

Any further information about admission process is available at CUE's Teaching Department, Kraków, ul. Rakowicka 27, Main Building, rooms 107-108, phone: +48 (12) 293 56 28, 293 54 25, e-mail: studiainfo@uek.krakow.pl. The Office is open from Monday to Friday form 9.00 to 14.00 (excluding Wednesdays).

More information about studies held in English (description of major of study, programmes of study) is available at International Programmes Office - Mrs. Anna Lisiecka, e-mail: lisiecka@uek.krakow.pl.
