Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie


Admisssion – general info
data publikacji: 24/05/2019, autor: Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie

Admisssion – general info

Applicants for Master's programmes should hold the degree of Master's, Bachelor's, Engineer, or an equivalent degree.




Foreign candidates who hold the above mentioned degree from outside of Poland may apply for Master’s programmes at CUE only if their  diploma has been legalized and entitles to apply for Master’s programmes in the country of issue.


In order to verify if the above mentioned diploma issued outside of Poland entitles to apply for Master studies in Poland, it’s necessary to send the following documents to the Teaching Department (studiainfo@uek.krakow.pl): copy of the diploma and transcript of records translated into Polish


Please note that the launching of the programme is conditioned by an appropriate number of candidates.

Any further information about admission process is available at CUE's Teaching Department, Kraków, ul. Rakowicka 27, Main Building, rooms 107-108, phone: +48 (12) 293 56 28, 293 54 25, e-mail: studiainfo@uek.krakow.pl 

More information about studies held in English (description of major of study, programmes of study) is available at International Programmes Office - Mrs. Anna Lisiecka, e-mail: lisiecka@uek.krakow.pl.

Admission to full-time Master’s programme is possibile in two ways:

a)   Admission based on Grade Point Average (GPA)/average grades

Only for CUE’ alumni of Bachelor programmes (year of graduation: 2018/2019), applying for Master programmes, in the same field as completed Bachelor studies. 50% of the overall limit set by the Senate for the academic year 2019/2020 will be filled by CUE graduates, based on the GPA achieved during the first five semesters of a six-semesters programme or first six semesters of a seven-semesters programme.

Exception: applications for the major programme quantitative methods in contemporary management can be submitted by the graduates of CUE majoring in corporate finance and accounting.

Candidates register on the Online Candidate Admissions (IRK) and make payment of the admission fee from 20 May to 26 May 2019.

When registering, candidates should provide average grades calculated by the Dean’s Office of CUE.

The announcement of persons who are exempt from the entrance exam on the basis of average grades is scheduled for 31 May 2019.

Candidates who are not included in the group of CUE graduates admitted on the basis of average grades must sit for the entrance exam. Therefore, they should choose a major programme/s and sign up for the exam/s on their IRK accounts – (Admissions based on the entrance exam). It is necessary to make payment of a new admission fee.

Candidates qualified for admission on the basis of average grades, who want to apply for admission to a different major programme, must sit for the entrance exam on the basis of a new registration on IRK and payment of a new admission fee.

b)     Admissiont based on entrance exam results

CUE graduates, not qualified for admission on the basis of average grades, and graduates of other higher education institutions take a written qualification test which verifies the necessary knowledge enabling them to attend the chosen major programme.

For candidates who were not accepted on the basis of GPA and  for alumni of different universities/higher institutions.

- Corporate Finance and Accounting: examination in finance

- International Business: examination in international economic relations 

Applicants may choose - apart from the selected major programme - an optional programme. Because of the fact that some major programmes require an examination in different areas, the candidates who choose an optional programme will have to take an examination in the relevant subjects.

When the number of points obtained in two different exams qualifies a candidate for admission both to the basic and alternative programme, a candidate will be admitted to the basic programme marked as the “first” one in the admission questionnaire.

A candidate can be admitted only to one major programme.
