Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie


Application process/Required documents
data publikacji: 17/06/2019, autor: Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie

Application process/Required documents:

STEP 1: from 17.06.2019 to 20.09.2019

1)   open your account on Internetowa Rekrutacja Kandydatów IRK irk.uek.krakow.pl (Online Candidate Admissions)

2)   send to the Teaching Department (studiainfo@uek.krakow.pl) or post on your IRK account the copies of the following documents:

- diploma of completing first cycle studies, or a certificate of completing studies

- diploma supplement

- translation of the diploma and supplement into the Polish language (if you posses it)

- a copy of your passport (page with a photo)

- a copy of additional document – check what documents are required 

  - English certificate - it does not apply to citizens of EU member states, holderds of the Card of the Pole, holders of the permanent residence or long-term EU residence 

3) make payment of the admission fee (amount and individual account number available on your IRK account)


After the announcement of the list of candidates eligible for admission on 26 September 2019, persons expressing their will to undertake studies at the CUE shall submit the following documents from 27 September to 30 September 2019:

Submitting following documents:

1. Undergraduate (Bachelor) studies certificate (Legalised, translated ) - original and copy

2. Supplement or Transcript of Records for the whole period of Bachelor level studies (Legalised  and translated) - original and copy

3. The certificate confirming that the candidate’s Bachelor’s Diploma allows him/her  to undertake Master’s studies in the country of issue.

Such certificate may be issued by the equivalent of Ministry of Education („Ministerstwo Oświaty”) in a given country (in that case this document should be translated into Polish by a certified translator)

4. Copy of additional document - check what document 


5. Proof of English language competence: English certificate (original and copy)  - it does not apply to citizens of EU member states, holderds of the Card of the Pole, holders of the permanent residence or long-term EU residence 

6.    Printout of personal questionnaire – from Online Candidate Admissions

7.    Personal questionnaire

8.    Copy of passport/ID Card (page with photograph)

9.    One recent 35x45 photo in accordance with passport issue requirements (signed overleaf – name and surname). You should deliver a photo posted on your IRK account.

10.    Statement about citizenship

NOTE: Another person may submit documents on behalf of the candidate. In such a case  authorisation is required (download the form)


By 11.10.2019, admitted persons shall deliver:

·         original and copy of visa/residence permit, EU citizens – UE citizen’s registration of stay

  • original and copy of health insurance covering the entire period of studies in Poland or copy of a  European Health Insurance Card or insurance from the National Health Fund

Student electronic card will be issued after submission of the documents required in the step 3.


Documents required at the second step should be delivered in a special file folder which
a candidate receives upon submitting documents.

Failure to submit documents required in step 2 is regarded as a candidate’s resignation from undertaking studies, resulting in the removal of a candidate from the list of persons qualified for admission.

Rejection decisions can be appealed to the Rector.

A candidate who is a student of the first cycle programme of a given major at the Cracow University of Economics may not apply for admission to the same major programme.

More information is available at CUE's Teaching Department, Kraków, ul. Rakowicka 27, Main Building, rooms 107-108, phone: +48 (12) 293 56 28, 293 54 25, e-mail: http://studiainfo@uek.krakow.pl/. The Office is open from Monday to Friday form 9.00 to 14.00 (excluding Wednesdays).

